How AI is Transforming the Indian Esports Industry?

Picture of Editor - CyberMedia Research

Editor - CyberMedia Research

AI has been largely affecting the Indian IT process, and it was about time that the burgeoning Esports sector also jumped on the machine learning bandwagon.  From predicting gaming patterns to creating personalised experiences for the player and building nuanced gaming environments, AI has been a groundbreaking element in the Indian Esports ecosystem.

India has always been open to incorporating new technology, and the rise in the Esports segment was the perfect area for AI to be utilised. While in the early years, it was being used to create a better NPC (non-playable character) experience, in 2024 AI is one of the crucial aspects of developing entire games.

A Personalised Playground Powered by AI

Since AI can create content based on the data sets provided to it, game developers are using it as the core building block of game environments based on the players’ progress. So, now games are being developed that essentially have endless gameplay and maps tuned to the player’s preferences.

Furthermore, the amount of detailing that exists in these gaming environments would otherwise require huge developer teams. With the help of AI, a highly immersive experience is being created for gamers with minimal effort and budget. This is a huge step for the Indian Esports segment, as the budget aspect is one of the key reasons why the industry is unable to progress as fast as some of the other countries in Asia.

The recently held ‘Digital Gaming India Expo’ showcased the transformative journey of AI in Indian game development. Developers across the segment are using the machine learning capabilities of the new-gen technology to create a fully customized experience for the players.

Chatbots, anti-fraud systems, real-time analytics, and many other forms of AI-driven tech are now a must-have part of the video game development industry in India. There is still much potential within AI to be uncovered, but with the huge expectations from this segment shortly, a large wave of AI-generated tech is going to be a part of the experience going forward.

Creating Healthy Experiences

AI is also being used by developers to ensure that gamers are not creating unhealthy experiences for themselves. If someone is playing a game for longer than recommended, the AI can send them prompts to remind them to rest and come back later. Certain in-game interactions are also monitored by AI to send prompts that will create better interactions for the player.

Overall, AI has been a massive boon to the Indian Esports community. As this bustling community creates a better tomorrow for the huge Esports market in the country, AI will play a massive role in the process.