Homegrown-brand Micromax has made a comeback to the CMR Mobile Handset Q3 Leaderboard. Since its inception in 2000, it quickly rose to the top in a decade, outspending others on marketing, and finally dethroning Samsung in 2015. A couple of missteps later, such as the focus on 3G while Chinese entrants pushed 4G, meant Micromax lost favor in the India market. Demonetization did not help Micromax’s sub-$150 portfolio either. With a refocused strategy, Micromax has looked at bolstering itself in other consumer electronics categories.
Cut to Q3 2018, Micromax is back in the top five brands. If other Indian States were to start following the Chattisgarh government initiative, domestic companies such as Micromax would stand to gain.
When it comes to its mobile business, Micromax still retains its brand reach and strengths. It needs to refocus its energies and relook at its past record. It should then continue to boost its mobile handset portfolio, for there is a market out there for Micromax.
About Mobilytiks
Mobilytiks is the only big data driven analytics programme for devices – Smartphones, Featurephones, Data Cards and Tablets in India.
Analysing, every month data at granular levels across the states of the country, it presents different dimensions to the decision makers allowing them to craft hyperlocal strategies across various geographies in India.
Mobilytiks also gives insights based on installed base of devices in the country. These become paramount as the market hits a plateau in terms of growth and all players, especially incumbents look for their strengths from within the existing base. For the new entrants, Mobilytiks throws up insights beyond averages helping them priorities their focus by going aggressively after the growth opportunity markets due for replacements and upgrades.
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