Since its entry into India, the OnePlus has established a reputation of delighting its customers with flagship smartphones packed with the latest specs at a ridiculously unbelievable pricing. The OnePlus brand has built-up, and relied on the feedback of its large fan base in developing products for them. For today’s millennials that are dominant technology users, the OnePlus has a very native appeal with its clean build, and swift performance.
Behind the immense success of the OnePlus brand, and at its core, is its DNA of customer centricity. Alongside, OnePlus invests value in seeking user feedback and relying on the word of mouth to drive their brand recognition and, in turn, their sales. Each and every OnePlus, since the OnePlus 3, has focused on delivering exceptional specs at unbelievable pricing. With its focus on consistently delivering timely updates, the OnePlus has continued to gain the trust of its users.
When it comes to the smartphones leaderboard, OnePlus has successfully carved out a bespoke niche for itself in the premium smartphone segment, benchmarking itself against the likes of Samsung and Apple. Having enjoyed growth and success through its aggressive online strategy, OnePlus is now complementing its online focus, with a focus on expanding its offline presence to cater to customers who like to get a touch and feel of the product prior to making a purchase. Towards this end, OnePlus has opened authorized stores in cities, such as Mumbai, Pune, and Bengaluru, and large format stores in Chennai and Bengaluru.
OnePlus has shown exceptional performance in states such as Maharashtra, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat, among others. Now, as it expands through offline strategy, it has to build up an aggressive strategy in states primed for growth, including Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Kerala, Haryana and the rest of India.
About Mobilytiks
Mobilytiks is the only big data driven analytics programme for devices – Smartphones, Featurephones, Data Cards and Tablets in India.
Analysing, every month data at granular levels across the states of the country, it presents different dimensions to the decision makers allowing them to craft hyperlocal strategies across various geographies in India.
Mobilytiks also gives insights based on installed base of devices in the country. These become paramount as the market hits a plateau in terms of growth and all players, especially incumbents look for their strengths from within the existing base. For the new entrants, Mobilytiks throws up insights beyond averages helping them priorities their focus by going aggressively after the growth opportunity markets due for replacements and upgrades.
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