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Research Reports
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CMR’s India Paints IMG Report
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- With India’s GDP to clock 7 to 7.5%, the Indian Paints Industry is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. The decorative paints segment has been the main revenue driver. In the decorative segment, customer preferences are changing, and companies are using innovation to cater to the demand. However, there will be an upstick in demand for industrial paints…
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CMR’s India Baby Diapers Report
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- The market for baby diapers in India will reach US$707 Million by 2020, growing at an impressive CAGR of 21%, from US$303 Million in 2016. The penetration of disposable diapers stands at 3%, and >80% of the diapers market is controlled by the top three market participants. The key business driver for baby diapers in India is increasing disposable incomes,…
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CMR’s India Video Surveillance Report 2011 – 2016
- The video surveillance market in India has seen significant changes in its market landscape in last decade mainly due to the increasing security related issues, rising terrorism, increasing criminal activities, need for remote monitoring of the live footage and others. Initially concentrating on analog based surveillance systems the market is now experiencing a major shift towards IP based surveillance systems.
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