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E-Book: A Zombie’s Survival Guide in a Changing Database World
With the rise of autonomous databases – and all the other scary changes in database management systems – you may be wondering whether you’re in the midst of a DBApocalypse. You are. And this is your definitive survival guide.
Armed with insights from Pini Dibask – the Rick Grimes of database management – and the undead DBA who’s seen it all – that would be me, Dave B. Awesome – you’ll show this crazy, new database world that you won’t be intimidated. You’ll learn how to survive:
The reanimation of DBAs as DevOps engineers
The massive uprising of multi-platform databases
The cloud and the evolution of the database-as-a-service
Ready? Let’s sink our teeth into the meaty changes affecting the database landscape. Because when you really understand what’s coming at you, you’ll not only survive – you’ll thrive.
Free E-book: The DBA’s Guide to the Cloud, Open Source and DevOps
Under pressure to modernize your database environment? As businesses search for new ways to cut costs, DBAs are feeling the pain. While the cloud and open-source databases are great for the bottom line, taking on unfamiliar database platforms isn’t so great for your stress level.
You’ll learn how to:
Influence business choices that will affect IT by understanding the implications of changes to your environment and asking the right questions.
Modernize your database environment with powerful solutions that support cloud, open-source and DevOps initiatives.
Keep up with the ever-changing database landscape.
Align with business goals by easily and confidently adopting new database platforms and popular methodologies.
A decision-maker’s guide to database performance monitoring
Business leaders always try to strike a balance among cost, service and risk. Spend too little, and service will suffer while risk increases. Add more headcount and costs will rise. Eliminate risk, and the company might be safe, but will fail to innovate. By trying to address near-term issues, you may run counter to long-term business goals. What if there was one tool that would allow DBAs to meet the growing service demands of the business while minimizing risks and controlling costs?
Find out how Foglight® for Databases helps you reduce cost, improve service, and minimize risk.