The Rise of India’s Electronics Repair Sector: A Strategic Move to Overcome Global Competitors

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Editor - CyberMedia Research

While much attention has been focused on India’s tech manufacturing segment, particularly its foray into microchips, EV batteries, and other cutting-edge products, one sector that has been quietly surging ahead is “electronics repair”. In fact, India is poised to surpass traditional leaders like China and Malaysia in this domain, a development that has largely gone unnoticed. The rapid growth of the electronics repair segment aligns with the Indian government’s ambitious plans to generate over $20 billion in revenue from the electronics sector within the next five years, as well as its commitment to environmental protection through the “Lifestyle for Environment” policy.

The ERSO Project: A Calculated Strategy

Far from simply seizing an opportunity, India’s entry into the electronics repair sector is the result of a meticulously planned initiative. The government has unveiled the “Electronics Repair Services Outsourcing” (ERSO) project, which will be based in Bangalore and involves industry heavyweights such as Lenovo, Flex, and R-Logic, among others. This project not only aims to bolster India’s position in the repair market but also contributes to reducing global e-waste production, a significant contributor to environmental degradation. The ERSO project, driven by calculated strategies and environmental considerations, is positioning India to overcome established global competitors.

Expanding Global Footprint and Partnerships

The ERSO project is not limited to the Indian market alone. It has engaged in discussions with several Southeast Asian and Asian countries, as well as Mexico, Brazil, and the United States, to establish India as a full-time supplier for their electronics repair requirements. The increased focus on microchip production by the Indian IT sector, coupled with the entry of global giants like Apple and Samsung, will further fuel the demand for repair services.

Supporting Initiatives

Complementary projects are also underway to enhance the repair process. For instance, a dedicated program introduced last year to accelerate the “safety-testing process” will undoubtedly expedite the repair of electronic devices, enabling technicians to deliver faster service.

A Growing Market Opportunity

With the widespread adoption of electronic devices worldwide, the demand for repair services is on the rise. In the next decade, the electronics repair industry is projected to experience exponential growth. Thus, India’s strategic move to position itself as a dominant player in both manufacturing and repair is well-aligned with market dynamics and offers a promising future. With the repair industry poised for substantial growth, India’s foray into this domain is a strategic move that capitalizes on market trends and ensures its relevance in the evolving electronics landscape.