What Indian Textile Industry Expects From The Government Post Elections

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Editor - CyberMedia Research

B. Swaminathan

In 2025, the Indian textile industry stands at the cusp of transformation, poised to redefine global standards of craftsmanship, sustainability, and innovation. With a rich heritage spanning centuries, India’s textile sector continues to evolve, blending traditional techniques with modern technologies to meet the demands of a dynamic global market. Despite facing challenges such as fluctuating raw material prices and evolving consumer preferences, the industry has demonstrated resilience and adaptability. Leveraging advancements in digitalization and sustainable practices, Indian textile manufacturers are carving a niche as leaders in eco-conscious production and ethical sourcing. As we delve into the intricacies of this vibrant sector, we uncover the stories of resilience, creativity, and progress driving India’s textile renaissance in 2025. CMR catches up with Sanjay K Jain, MD, TT Limited, Past Chairman – CITI, NITRA & TSC spoke on the Indian elections and their impact on the textile industry.

Q1. With the Indian elections around, how do you anticipate the outcome may impact the textile industry in terms of policies and regulations?

Ans. As far as the Indian elections are concerned, we don’t see a major impact regarding rules and regulations. We accept continuity as business is the only aspect we look for.

Q2. How crucial is it for the textile sector to align with the political agenda of the incoming government, and what strategies should the industry adopt to ensure its interests are represented?

Ans. I don’t think the industry needs to create any agenda and strategy alignment. I think it is very clear that we need to expand our growth export, a global market that is where the real potential and growth is. All of the FDS have been signed and more industries are ready to take advantage of FDS which I expected. UK, Canada and maybe one and a half two years with Europe with a nine interest of global growth and expanding capacities both qualitative and quantities wise to ensure that we increase our presence.

Q3. What are the primary challenges currently facing the textile industry in India during the code of conduct? Is there any issue which you want the Election Commission of India to intervene in?

Ans. There is nothing specific regarding the election. We want the industry to work freely. On the ground reality, there is hardly an issue of course due to elections straight that slow down a bit but I think that’s very natural for everyone with nothing specific that we can do about it.

Q4. In light of the global shift towards sustainability and ethical practices, how can the Indian textile industry leverage this momentum to maintain competitiveness while also ensuring environmental and social responsibility?

Ans. Substantiality; I think this is the way forward. Not just globally, but also large customers in India are slowly moving towards minimum basic requirements. I think the industry is also slowly and steadily progressing. We need to be competitive. I think we cannot take big steps. Incrementally if the mindset is there cost or no cost we can make it over a way of life. Once it becomes a way of life, cost is not initial.

Q5. With the rise of automation and digitalization, what measures should be taken to ensure that the Indian textile workforce remains relevant and skilled in the face of technological advancements?

Ans. Training and learning is an ongoing process that never stops. With automation and digitization, we can’t stop, AI, IoT, and machine learning, all are going to come into it, and this skill will force us to become able to manage and handle technology. So it is a good thing going forward because We need to move up the ladder for our work first. However, more value at work and they do more value-added work so that they can create back salaries every year but basic things remain more with the machine.

Q6. How do you foresee the Indian textile industry capitalizing on emerging opportunities in international trade, and what role do you expect the government to play in facilitating global market access for Indian textile products?

Ans. Government needs to ensure that FDS is assigned and they negotiate with the governments of large countries with non-barriers that have not been created. Then we are welcomed not only on paper but with heat in all the countries.

The government has already given a positive role in foreign relations a lot and if that is then management with industry has to be concreted. We need to have good quality then only we are going to be able to compete. In the world, does it x or y won’t help? Every customer is a private customer and they see what is best for them.

We see what is best for them, we shall directly receive and hence go up the value change, learning, relearning, skilling, getting used to utilization and automation in those global trends we need to adapt as soon as possible. So in the industry sector, a big segment has to get bigger and has to play a very important role and the government has to continue its policy of supporting MSME over various policies which we are already doing with interest, subsidiaries, DC loans and other facilitation.