Adequate availability and affordability of electricity is central to the industrial and economic development of India. Reliable power supply would catalyze energy-intensive and energy-dependent sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing. It would further strengthen the growth potential for highly successful sectors like Information Technology (IT) and emerging sectors like IT-enabled services. Overall, it would go a long way in leading India to become a strong and developed nation.
Information Technology has to perform the role of an enabler, driving business process reforms, through process re-engineering, automation, capacity building and system integration.
The current power distribution reforms being adopted countrywide is spawning innovative uses of IT applications using state-of-the-art technologies. The need for automation and integration of inter-related business processes is driving the creation of a robust IT infrastructure spanning the complete business value chain of power distribution. To handle the increasing complexities of integration and ensuing challenges,there is a growing focus on the adoption of standards-based technologies.
Moreover, the power sector is currently amidst a major paradigm shift. With the growing challenges of climate change and sustainability, rising fuel costs, an increasingly informed and dynamic customer base, an evolving regulatory landscape, new investment challenges, and the need to maintain efficient and cost effective operations, utilities must now – more than ever – look to innovate and utilize technology in order to meet these 21st century challenges.
However, technology per-sé does not bring about a turn-around, unless there is an enabling environment to sustain the reforms. Change management is the crux of business process reforms. It is extremely important to have a close and coordinated interaction with all the stakeholders, particularly the domain process owners.While there are set procedures for handling technology and process issues, the people issues have to handled with a lot of sensitivity, understanding and by creating awareness of the process reforms objectives.
The forum will facilitate knowledge exchange on best practices for improving performance and reliability of supercritical power plants; and helped identify advanced technologies for better diagnostics, life assessment,life enhancement and refurbishment of power plant components amongst other things. It will also provide information on better management of waste heat and water, and how to enhance reliability of power systems.