With HMD Global bringing back Nokia brand in the Mobile handset arena, it is second only brand after Motorola to have witnessed all the G’s or Generations of mobile services. However, its indecisiveness regarding which OS to ride on saw it in a very weak position as far as 3G is concerned. In the 1G and 2G era it enjoyed the defacto Numero Uno status for pretty long years.
Through HMD, Nokia is now on to the journey of 4G and like other brands around the threshold of 5G.
So, while, it has journeyed through the axis of mobile service generations, the recent addition to its portfolio has widened its reach across the generation of Smartphone users who in an Indian scenario look for anything $75 to $1,500. This is perhaps unique to very few Smartphone markets globally where the market has such a wide appetite. This wide array not only gives opportunity to all shades of handset makers, but also forms a ‘laddered’ upgrade market opportunity making it important to be able to serve through the journey and serve a customer for a longer period. Though the crazy loyalty pattern makes it difficult for brands to avoid switching of users to other brands, even if they have the options to offer for upgrade.
Starting from Nokia 1 (Android Oreo Go) to Nokia 8 Sirocco, HMD has deliciously set the platter for the market. This also means segmentized competition with a lot many brands. While at the entry level the brand would be competing with the major Indian as well as emerging Chinese brands, it shall be fighting out for a space with highly entrenched Chinese OEMs in the mid value Smartphone segment and through Sirocco, it is now in competition with the exclusive segment brands like OnePlus.
Nokia revealed some statistics and facts that establishes it has connected with the millennials also and does not serve to the users above 35 years, who would have used Nokia as a first phone in all high probabilities. Sirocco could be a very exciting proposition for them, as they would be in mid-career level and having ability as well as desire to pay for a Smartphone in Rs 30-50,000 range. Though OnePlus is very well established in this segment, there is always a room for another brand to get accommodated.
By having a Nokia Smartphone available in all the segments for all the generations, the brand has shown a bit of confidence in itself and indicated that the results so far are in line or in cases above their expectations.
Nokia must back the existing portfolio strategy with a large scale digital engagement and also start looking at the Smartphone (plus) – AppGet category so that it is able to create that connected world ecosystem for its users to stay within the brand.