Innovations unlocked by technology seem to appear faster, every year. With the Covid-19 pandemic in place, the upgrades have sped up in a way never seen before.
“Covid-19 has forced businesses to adjust not by choice, but by necessity. For instance, if a local restaurant is not on Zomato or Swiggy, or some other online platform, it has to ensure it registers itself in a third-party logistics app. if the business never considered working remotely before, it has to work partially remote at the least and offering it as an option for certain employees. And if some corporate with thousands of employees plan to invest more in technologies, Covid-19 has most likely made that decision for them,” said Kishor Gorasia, President, Baroda IT Association.

BITA nearly 20 years since registered, has 260+ members strength and growing. It has earned its name as one of the leading & progressive IT associations of the Nation. Being a leading IT Association, it has always promoted Information & Communication Technology through various activities and events during the year’s span, increasing every year. BITA has successfully elevated & generated remarkable hype, positive brand & strong social representation in the region.
Upcoming Years Technology Up-gradation
“In upcoming quarters & years pandemic, will reveal opportunities for technology to advance society forward. For example, in this year alone, the virtual platform went from being a slightly stigmatized form of work communication to our everyday standard,” said Kishor.
Globally, the acceleration of digital and contactless payment from occasional usage to a need during the pandemic has transformed the online shopping trends. Technology has made working remotely more effective. Many companies and business organizations had to opt to work from home to survive through the pandemic.
Technology has facilitated remote working through the use of VOIP, VPN, virtual meetings through zooms or Google platforms thereby saving several unnecessary meeting hours and providing flexibility to the business employees. Not only in the work front, but it has also improved distance learning among the students and their teachers.
Industry 4.0 Technology
“Industry 4.0 is known as the fourth industrial revolution, which has the potential to fulfill customized requirements during the COVID-19 crisis. This revolution has started with the applications of advanced manufacturing and digital information technologies. AI, IoT, Big Data, Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing, and more significant technologies can help in managing further outbreaks in the country,” said Kishor.
Advanced technology in healthcare services offered has helped during this tough time through communication devices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and provide essential primary care to patients. In online entertainment, there has been a tremendous enhancement of technology during this time.
This revolution speeds up the digital transformation with better crowd management, transportation management and safety of the public. These digital technologies create virtual clinics through the application of telemedicine consultations.
Associations Work
The pandemic has affected IT along with other industries in the country and MSMEs are hit the most due to frequent lockdowns. “We have joined hands with other industry associations in Vadodara to draft recommendations with the concerned ministries to address the issues,” said Kishor.