CMR Cloud Forum 2015

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In IT, the biggest transformations are around the disruptive emergence of the cloud services model — a model that is both market expanding and challenging. The cloud-driven transformation of the IT market is necessitating the restructuring of vendors’ offerings, market footprints, and business models. It is also driving organizations to become leaner, meaner and more efficient.Having said so, there are certain perceived challenges in the adoption of Cloud Computing. One might doubt the hype surrounding cloud, but as ICT progresses one will eventually use cloud.

A Must attend event for Technology and Business decision makers form Indian SMB Enterprises. 

Be a part of CMR’s Cloud Computing Forum to learn and interact with CMR Analysts, Industry leaders to discuss some of the major topics highlighted below:

Key topics of discussion: 

  • Major Challenges surrounding Cloud: Myth & Reality
  • Cloud Fit: Which cloud environment fits your organization
  • Handling Change: Cloud implementation and Change Management
  • Case Studies: Best practices of leading cloud adopters
  • Integration: Integrating your cloud solutions with your existing IT 

CMR’s Cloud Computing Forum intends to highlight current trends and provide actionable advice and best practices on how companies in India can capitalize on the new cloud formation.